Uno de mis aspectos favoritos de USA es que, si tomamos en cuenta Alaska y Hawaii, tiene casi todos los climas del mundo. Este mapa les dará una idea:
One of my favorite aspects about the US is that, if we take into consideration Alaska and Hawaii, it has almost every climate in the world. This map will give you an idea:
Los siguientes links les pueden hacer la vida un poco más fácil:
As you can see, the country is divided into regions with very different weather characteristics. Those differences have a great influence on the each area's lifestyle. Double-click on the image to see the original size (image from Wikipedia Commons).
The country is so big and diverse it can be a little overwhelming to try to choose places to visit. I recommend you to visit the famous cities but you should also take advantage of the nature.
- Do research about the state you'll live in, especially nearby cities.
- Look up the places you've always wanted to see.
- Be open! Give yourself time to wander through websites and you'll be surprised to learn that a few clicks can give you a lot of information about cities and nationa parks.

Seleccionen el estado en que viven o al que van visitar y un mapa interactivo les mostrará la ubicación de los lugares que pueden visitar. Si hacen click en el nombre de cada lugar, serán redireccionadas su página principal donde hay información general, mapas, guías para visitantes, listado de actividades y fotos.
This website is perfect if you want to become familiar with historical places, famous parks and natural reserves in the US.
Select the state that you live in or the one you'll be visiting and an interactive map will show you the location of places that you can visit. If you click on each name's place you'll be redirected to the its main page where you can find general information, maps, visitor's guides, activities list and photos.

There is no better website to find inspiration! If you want to see some of the most representatives photos of the US, as well as each state's secret destination, visit the website and you'll see that in just a few minutes you'll begin making a list of all the places you want to visit.
USA Travel and Tourism: Es la página oficial de turismo en USA. Hagan click en algún estado y las llevará a la página de las oficinas estatales de turismo. Suena aburrido, pero tienen muchísimas información, fotos y tips para viajar. Además, en casi cada estado pueden ordenar una guía gratis (o travel brochure) que les llega por correo. Usualmente la información de las revistas cambia dependiendo de la temporada y ofrecen muchos descuentos y cupones.
This is the official website of the US tourism office. Click on a state and it will redirect you to the main page of state tourism offices. It sounds boring, but it has tons of information, photos and travel tips. Plus, almost every state gives you the option to order a free travel brochure that is sent by mail. The brochures' information tends to change depending on the season and they offer a lot of discounts and coupons.
Travel Channel: Primero, busquen el canal. Después, entren a la página y busquen videos de sus shows favoritos. Los míos son "Samantha Brown", "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" y "Bizarre Foods". Muchos de esos shows muestran lugares padrísimos en USA y otras partes del mundo.
En la página web hagan click en DESTINATIONS > North America > y después "x" ciudad en USA y tendrán acceso a muchísimo contenido multimedia, así como información práctica sobre cómo llegar, dónde quedarse, atracciones, historia, etc. El único inconveniente que encontré fue que los lugares que mencionan no son muy "budget-friendly." Aún así, pueden encontrar videos, fotos o ideas de qué hacer.
This is the official website of the US tourism office. Click on a state and it will redirect you to the main page of state tourism offices. It sounds boring, but it has tons of information, photos and travel tips. Plus, almost every state gives you the option to order a free travel brochure that is sent by mail. The brochures' information tends to change depending on the season and they offer a lot of discounts and coupons.
Travel Channel: Primero, busquen el canal. Después, entren a la página y busquen videos de sus shows favoritos. Los míos son "Samantha Brown", "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" y "Bizarre Foods". Muchos de esos shows muestran lugares padrísimos en USA y otras partes del mundo.
En la página web hagan click en DESTINATIONS > North America > y después "x" ciudad en USA y tendrán acceso a muchísimo contenido multimedia, así como información práctica sobre cómo llegar, dónde quedarse, atracciones, historia, etc. El único inconveniente que encontré fue que los lugares que mencionan no son muy "budget-friendly." Aún así, pueden encontrar videos, fotos o ideas de qué hacer.
First, look for the channel. Then, visit the website and look for videos of your favorite shows. Mine are "Samantha Brown," "Anthony Bourdain: No reservations" and "Bizarre Foods." Many of the shows show really cool places in the US and in other places of the world.
Go to the website and click on DESTINATIONS > North America > then any city in the USA and you'll have access to a lot of multimedia content, as well as practical information about how to get somewhere, where to stay, sight, history, etc. The only inconvinient I found was that most of the places mentioned aren't exactly budget-friendly. Still, you can find videos, photos or ideas of what to do.
Go to the website and click on DESTINATIONS > North America > then any city in the USA and you'll have access to a lot of multimedia content, as well as practical information about how to get somewhere, where to stay, sight, history, etc. The only inconvinient I found was that most of the places mentioned aren't exactly budget-friendly. Still, you can find videos, photos or ideas of what to do.
Ser aupair es un reto. Se requiere una buena familia que realmente integre a la aupair para que el o ella pueda aprender la nueva cultura. Debemos estar atentos a falsas agencias para evitar caer en redes de trafico humano o ser victima de acoso laboral. Recomiendo https://es.gowork.com para ver qué piensan otros a cerca de la agencia en la que deseas trabajar