de tanto planear el día llegó y me fui a Estados Unidos como Au Pair.
Mi primera parada fue la escuela de entrenamiento para Au Pairs en New
No me encontré con alguien de CC en el aeropuerto del D.F. ni en el avión, en el 2007 no usábamos Facebook como ahorita y no era tan fácil contactar a otras Au Pairs. Pasé mi vuelo viendo el cielo, escuchando música y sintiendo mariposas en mi estómago todo el tiempo; esta era la primera vez que viajaba al extranjero.
No me encontré con alguien de CC en el aeropuerto del D.F. ni en el avión, en el 2007 no usábamos Facebook como ahorita y no era tan fácil contactar a otras Au Pairs. Pasé mi vuelo viendo el cielo, escuchando música y sintiendo mariposas en mi estómago todo el tiempo; esta era la primera vez que viajaba al extranjero.
aterricé conocí a varias Au Pairs mexicanas y nos recogieron en el
aeropuerto junto con dos chicas de Tailandia! Fue la primera vez que
conocí a alguien de ese país. Todas estábamos muy emocionadas aunque las chicas de México no tenían muchas ganas de platicar. A mí no me importó, me pasé todo el camino del aeropuerto a la escuela platicando con mis nuevas amigas de Tailandia.
Lo primero que me llamó la atención fue que las chicas de Tailandia eran muy alegres, aunque debo admitir que me costó un poco de trabajo acostumbrarme a su acento.
No pude ver la escuela cuando llegamos porque era de noche y me decepcioné un poco. En retrospectiva, me alegra que haya sido así porque cuando me desperté al siguiente día ya estaba fresca y lista para (casi) saltar de la emoción.
After so much planning, the day arrived and I flew to the US as an Au Pair. My first stop was the Au Pair training school in New York.
I didn't bump into anyone from CC at Mexico City's airport or in the plane. Back then, we didn't use Facebook as much and it wasn't as easy to get in touch with other Au Pairs. During the flight, I spent my time gazing at the sky, listening to music and feeling butterflies in my stomach all the time; this was my very first trip abroad.
When I landed, I met several Mexican Au Pairs and a Cultural Care driver picked us and two Thailandese girls up! It was the first time I ever met someone from that country. We were all very excited but the other Mexican girls weren't very talkative. I didn't care, though, I spent the entire ride from the airport to the school chatting with my new Thai friends.
The first thing that caught my attention was that the Thai girls were happy people, although I must admit that it took me a while to get used to their accent.
I couldn't see the school as we approached because it was nighttime and I was a little disappointed. In retrospect, I'm glad it was that way because when I woke up the following morning I was refreshed and ready to (almost) jump up and down in excitement.
TIP: ¡AGUAS CON LO QUE EMPACAS! Yo me llevé esas dos maletas y el
backpack. Cuando regresé, cómo me arrepentí de haberme llevado eso.
Regresé con el doble de equipaje y muchas cosas que me llevé pronto las
reemplacé estando allá.Lo primero que me llamó la atención fue que las chicas de Tailandia eran muy alegres, aunque debo admitir que me costó un poco de trabajo acostumbrarme a su acento.
No pude ver la escuela cuando llegamos porque era de noche y me decepcioné un poco. En retrospectiva, me alegra que haya sido así porque cuando me desperté al siguiente día ya estaba fresca y lista para (casi) saltar de la emoción.
After so much planning, the day arrived and I flew to the US as an Au Pair. My first stop was the Au Pair training school in New York.
I didn't bump into anyone from CC at Mexico City's airport or in the plane. Back then, we didn't use Facebook as much and it wasn't as easy to get in touch with other Au Pairs. During the flight, I spent my time gazing at the sky, listening to music and feeling butterflies in my stomach all the time; this was my very first trip abroad.
When I landed, I met several Mexican Au Pairs and a Cultural Care driver picked us and two Thailandese girls up! It was the first time I ever met someone from that country. We were all very excited but the other Mexican girls weren't very talkative. I didn't care, though, I spent the entire ride from the airport to the school chatting with my new Thai friends.
The first thing that caught my attention was that the Thai girls were happy people, although I must admit that it took me a while to get used to their accent.
I couldn't see the school as we approached because it was nighttime and I was a little disappointed. In retrospect, I'm glad it was that way because when I woke up the following morning I was refreshed and ready to (almost) jump up and down in excitement.
Con mi equipaje en el aeropuerto. Me with all my luggage in the airport |
Toma en cuenta que aunque estés solamente un año, vas a comprar muchas cosas en USA. Te recomiendo llevarte solamente una maleta y un backpack. Si vas a vivir en un lugar donde neve, no te preocupes por comprar ropa para ese clima en México. Todo lo vas a encontrar en USA y a mucho mejor precio. Llévate lo esencial para vivir un mes, pesa tu maleta y evita sobrecargos, que las aerolíneas cobran mucho por "excess" o "overweight" equipaje.
AIMEE'S TIP: BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU PACK! I took with me the two suitcases you see in the photo and a backpack. When I came back to Mexico, I regreted taking so much stuff. I came back with twice as much luggage. Many things I took with me got replaced when I was over there. Keep in mind that even though you'll be in the US only a year, you'll buy a lot of stuff. I advise you to only take a suitcase and a small backpack. If you'll be living in a snowy place, don't worry about buying winter clothes in Mexico. You'll find everything you'll need in the US and at better prices. Only take with you the essentials for one month and weigh your luggage to avoid any fees. Keep in mind that airlines charge a lot for "excess" or "overweight" luggage.
This is it! |
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