For the iPad contest organized by Cultural Care Mexico, we had to do different activites to promote the program. Among them were to begin a blog (obviously, I started this one) and write a testimony. I thought it would be a good idea to write here what I sent to CC. Let me know what you think!
¡En las oficinas de CC México con mi nuevo Ipad 2! |
Fui Au Pair del 2007 al 2009 y hay dos cosas que más me gustaron de la experiencia: viví con unos niños que amé y verdaderamente tuve una experiencia de intercambio cultural.
Nunca había viajado fuera de México así que cuando llegué a la escuela de New York y escuché mínimo 15 acentos distintos me sentí tan llena de vida! Quería conocer más sobre todas esas personas, sobre su vida y sus costumbres.
I was Au Pair from 2007 to 2009 and there are two things that I loved the most about the experience: I lived with kids that I really loved and I had a true experience of cultural exchange.
I was Au Pair from 2007 to 2009 and there are two things that I loved the most about the experience: I lived with kids that I really loved and I had a true experience of cultural exchange.
Cuando me mudé con mi familia conocí aún más Au Pairs. ¡Regresé a México teniendo amigos en todos los continentes! ¿Qué fue lo mejor? Me di cuenta que sin importar las raíces de cada persona pudimos convivir, encontrar cosas en común, reír juntos y crear lazos que todavía duran, aún después de casi cuatro años.
When I moved with my host family, I met even more Au Pairs. I came back to Mexico having friends in all continents! What was the best thing about it? I realized that regardless of our roots, we were able to spend time together, find things in common, laugh together and create bonds that still last, even after four years.
When I moved with my host family, I met even more Au Pairs. I came back to Mexico having friends in all continents! What was the best thing about it? I realized that regardless of our roots, we were able to spend time together, find things in common, laugh together and create bonds that still last, even after four years.
Au Pairs de Francia, Perú, Alemania y México. Au Pairs from France, Peru, Germany and Mexico. |
Friends have visited me and I hope to visit them soon; there are over 10 countries I can go to and have someone to visit. If I hadn't been Au Pair, I would've never met those wonderful people.
La experiencia me enseñó que el mundo no es tan grande como pensamos y que las nacionalidades y razas no importan. A final de cuentas, todos somos humanos y, como dice una frase en la página de Cultural Care, "La risa no tiene acento."
The experience taught me that the world isn't as big as we think and that nationalities and race don't matter. In the end, we are all humans and, as a quote in Cultural Care's website say, "Laughter has no accent."
The experience taught me that the world isn't as big as we think and that nationalities and race don't matter. In the end, we are all humans and, as a quote in Cultural Care's website say, "Laughter has no accent."
En la foto pueden verme (soy la de morado) junto con mis amigas de Francia, Alemania y Venezuela. Todas nos vemos muy diferentes pero eso no tuvo nada que ver con que nos hiciéramos amigas de por vida.
You can see me in the photo (I'm the one in purple) with my friends from France, Germany and Venezuela. We all look very different but that had nothing to do with becoming friends for the rest of our lives.
You can see me in the photo (I'm the one in purple) with my friends from France, Germany and Venezuela. We all look very different but that had nothing to do with becoming friends for the rest of our lives.
Esas experiencias y muchas más me hicieron disfrutar tanto mi tiempo como Au Pair que pronto me volveré a ir pero a Francia esta vez.
These experiences and many more made me enjoy my time as Au Pair so much that I will soon leave again but to France this time.
These experiences and many more made me enjoy my time as Au Pair so much that I will soon leave again but to France this time.
A todas las personas que estén considerando unirse al programa, les recomiendo que lo hagan sin pensarlo dos veces. Les va a cambiar la vida y abrir la puerta a un sin fin de oportunidades. ¡Ánimo!
To all people who are considering to join the program, I advise you to do it without thinking it twice. It will change your life and will open the door to a number of opportunities. Go for it!
To all people who are considering to join the program, I advise you to do it without thinking it twice. It will change your life and will open the door to a number of opportunities. Go for it!
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