Les dejo una screenshot de oportunidades para ser Au Pair en varios destinos (publicada por Mexaupair de México)
Aquí está la página de la agencia (desafortunadamente es sólo para México). http://www.mexaupair.com

Por otro lado, tomando en cuenta todas las visitas que tengo de otros países, creo que vale la pena pasarles la página de International Au Pair Association (IAPA).
On another note, considering the number of visits I get from other countries, I think it's worth giving you the website of the International Au Pair Association (IAPA).
En la parte de "Become an au pair" podrán encontrar información sobre cómo encontrar agencias confiables en su país. La lista de miembros incluye aproximadamente 170 agencias en 45 países. Todas las agencias que son miembros están avaladas por IAPA y ustedes podrán tener la confianza de que la agencia que escojan protegerá sus derechos como Au Pair.
In the tab "Become an au pair" you'll find information about how to find trustworthy agencies in your own country. The members lists includes approximately 170 agencies in 45 countries. All agencies that are members are endorsed by IAPA and you can trust that the agency you choose will protect your rights as Au Pair.
En la parte de "Our members" podrán encontrar un listado de agencias que son miembros de IAPA.
In the tab "Our members" you'll find the list of agencies that are IAPA members.
Les voy a poner un listado de las agencias miembros de IAPA en los países que más visitan este blog. Espero que les sea de ayuda.
I'm copying a list of IAPA members in the countries that visit this blog the most. I hope it's helpful.

- Au Pair MexicoFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairmexico.comMexico
- Estudiantes EmbajadoresFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 1 member)www.estudiantesembajadores.comMexico
- International Experience (IE)Affiliate memberwww.internationalexperience.netMexico
- MexAuPairAffiliate memberwww.mexaupair.comMexico
- The Au Pair CompanyFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.theaupaircompany.mx/Mexico
- VAS! MexicoFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.vasmexico.comMexico
- Zeltzin Aupair AgencyFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.zeltzinaupairagency.comMexico

- Au Pair FoundationFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairfoundation.orgUnited States of America
- Au Pair in AmericaFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 3 subsidised member)www.aupairinamerica.comUnited States of America
- Au Pair InternationalFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairint.comUnited States of America
- AuPairCare Inc.Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupaircare.comUnited States of America
- Cultural Care Au PairFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 3 subsidised member)www.culturalcare.comUnited States of America
- Cultural Homestay InternationalFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 4 member), Study WYSE (Full voting member)www.chinet.orgUnited States of America
- EurAupair Intercultural Child Care ProgramsFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.euraupair.comUnited States of America
- goAUPAIR Operations LLCFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.goaupair.comUnited States of America
- InterExchangeFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 4 member)www.interexchange.orgUnited States of America
- PROaupairFull non-voting memberhttps://proaupair.com/United States of America

- Asociacion Colombiana de Agencias de Au PairNational au pair association memberwww.ascaap.com/Colombia
- Aupair & TravelsFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupair-travels.comColombia
- Cultural TravelFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.culturaltravelcolombia.com/Colombia
- Fundacion Mundo ColombiaFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.fundacionmundocolombia.orgColombia
- International Options, Inc.Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.opcionesinternacionales.comColombia
- UNO-800 Student VisaFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.estudioytrabajoenelexterior.comColombia

- Asociacion Espanola del Programa AupairNational au pair association memberwww.spanishaupairassociation.comSpain
- Au Pair in Spain. Culture & FriendsFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairinspain.comSpain
- Aula inglesFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aulaingles.esSpain
- CEAE - FalgasFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairgirona.comSpain
- Club de Relaciones Culturales InternacionalesFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.clubrci.esSpain
- Eurolingua StudyAffiliate membereurolinguastudy.comSpain
- GLOBUS-Idiomas, Formacion Y OcioFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.globusidiomas.comSpain
- Grafton School s.l.Affiliate memberwww.graftonschool.comSpain
- International Au-Pair & Language Abroad GroupFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.languageabroad.infoSpain
- Juventud Y CulturaFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 2 member), Study WYSE (Full voting member)www.juvycult.esSpain
- Kingsbrook Language ServicesFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.kingsbrookbcn.comSpain
- Mag' Au PairAffiliate memberwww.magaupair.comSpain
- RC Au PairsFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.rcaupairs.comSpain
- Spanish Teachers S.L.Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.spanishteachers.esSpain

No hay miembros de IAPA en este país :(
There are no IAPA members in this country :(

- Accueil International ServicesFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.accueil-international.comFrance
- Agence PipelettesAffiliate memberwww.agencepipelettes.comFrance
- APITUFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.apitu.comFrance
- Association Familles JeunesseFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.afj-aupair.orgFrance
- Coaching Solutions trading as Solution Au PairFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.solutionaupair.comFrance
- Europair ServicesFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.europairservices.comFrance
- Fee reveeFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.fee-revee.comFrance
- Oliver Twist Work & StudyFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.oliver-twist.frFrance
- Pebbles AgencyFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.pebbles.frFrance
- STS Au Pair FranceFull non-voting memberwww.sts.frFrance
- Union Francaise des Agences Au PairNational au pair association memberwww.ufaap.orgFrance

No hay miembros de IAPA en este país :(
There are no IAPA members in this country :(

- AUpairUA Agency TM STUDY.UAFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.study.uaUkraine

- active abroad & Au Pair Agentur Maria-TheresiaFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.activeabroad.deGermany
- Alemania Latin Au PairFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.alemanialatinaupair.comGermany
- American Institute for Foreign Study (Deutschland)Full non-voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 3 subsidised member)www.aifs.deGermany
- Au-Pair Agentur CefelinFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupairagentur-cefelin.deGermany
- Au-Pair Society e.V.National au pair association memberwww.apsev.deGermany
- CareMedAssociate memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Service provider), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Associate member)www.caremed4you.comGermany
- Cultural Care Germany GmbHFull non-voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 3 subsidised member)www.culturalcare.deGermany
- Dr. Walter GmbHAssociate memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Service provider)www.dr-walter.comGermany
- German Red Cross Volunta GmbHFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.volunta.deGermany
- iSt Internationale Sprach- und Studienreisen GmbHFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.aupair.deGermany
- Kulturist GmbH UG (haftungsbeschrankt)Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.kulturist.comGermany
- MultiKultur e.K.Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.multikultur.infoGermany
- Munichaupair Patricia Brunner e.Kfr.Full voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.munichaupair.comGermany
- PME Familienservice GmbHFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (WYSE affiliate member)www.familienservice.deGermany
- Stepin GmbHFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 2 member)www.stepin.deGermany
- TravelWorks / Travelplus Group GmbHFull voting memberAlso member of WYSE Travel Confederation (Category 2 member), WYSE Work and Volunteer Abroad (Full 2 member)www.travelworks.deGermany
No hay miembros de IAPA en este país :(
There are no IAPA members in this country :(
Ser aupair es un reto. Se requiere una buena familia que realmente integre a la aupair para que el o ella pueda aprender la nueva cultura. Debemos estar atentos a falsas agencias para evitar caer en redes de trafico humano o ser victima de acoso laboral. Recomiendo https://es.gowork.com para ver qué piensan otros a cerca de la agencia en la que deseas trabajar.