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Cruzando el círculo ártico! Crossing the arctic circle! |
Si volviera a vivir mi vida sería Au Pair otra vez. Sin duda alguna. Me cambió la vida. No podría terminar de contar todas las experiencias que viví (y que tú también puedes vivir!), así que hablaré sobre la mejor, la primera en mi Top 10, aquélla experiencia que me mostró un nuevo mundo y gracias a la cuál presencié una maravilla que mucha gente vive toda su vida sin experimentar. Estoy hablando de mi viaje a Fairbanks, Alaska en Marzo del 2009.
If I had my life to live over I would be an Au Pair again. Without a doubt. It changed my life. I couldn't finish telling you all the experiences I lived (which you can also live), so I will talk about the best one, the number one in my Top 10, the experience that showed me a new world and thanks to which I witnessed a wonder that many people never do in the course of their own lives. I'm talking about my trip to Fairbanks, Alaska, in Marcho 2009.
Durante mi segundo año como Au Pair comencé a viajar mucho. Quería conocer Estados Unidos, aprender sobre sus distintas regiones y estar expuesta a personas, climas y culturas que no encontraría en México. Así fue como un día, mientras dormía, mi subconsciente me dijo que debía ver la aurora boreal. Me desperté, literalmente, con ganas de verla.
During my second year as an Au Pair I began to travel a lot. I wanted to see the United States, learn about its different regions, meet people and see climates and cultures that I wouldn't find in Mexico. That is how, one day while I was sleeping my subconscious told me I should see the northern lights. I woke up, literally, wanting to see it.
During my second year as an Au Pair I began to travel a lot. I wanted to see the United States, learn about its different regions, meet people and see climates and cultures that I wouldn't find in Mexico. That is how, one day while I was sleeping my subconscious told me I should see the northern lights. I woke up, literally, wanting to see it.
Mi LCC, Liane, siempre me apoyó y me dio unos tips para planear mi viaje. Investigué mucho y finalmente decidí que iría a Alaska a celebrar mis 21 años. Mi host mom, hizo y deshizo para que pudiera irme en las fechas que quería, mientras que los trillizos que cuidaba se emocionaban conmigo cuando les contaba sobre mis planes. Lo difícil fue pagarlo, ya que tuve que vivir de a 20 dólares por semana por tres meses y ahorrar todo lo demás para pagarlo. Si has vivido en Estados Unidos sabrás que 20 dólares no es nada. Sin embargo, cada vez que encontraba alguna actividad que hacer en Alaska, compraba ropa para la nieve o mi amiga Silje, de Noruega, me daba tips para no morirme de frío, recordaba que en realidad valía la pena. Lo confirmé cuando, después de casi medio día de vuelos y conexiones, salí del aeropuerto de Fairbanks a la 1am, envuelta en tanta ropa que me parecía al Michelin, y sentí por primera vez en mi vida el frío de -20º Celsius.
My LCC, Liane, was always supportive and she gave me some tips to help me plan my trip. I did a lot of research and I finally decided that I would go to Alaska to celebrate my 21st birthday. My host mum moved a lot of things around so that I could go on the dates that I wanted to, while the triplets I took care of we as excited as I was when I told them about my plans. The difficult part was affording it because I had to live off 20 bucks a week for three months to be able to afford it. If you have lived in the US, you'll know that 20 dollars isn't anything. However, every time I found a new activity to do in Alaska, bought snow gear or whenever my Norweigan friend Silje gave me tips to not die of cold, I remembered that it was really worth it. I confirmed this when, after almost half a day of flights and layovers, I exited the Fairbanks airport at 1am covered in so many layers of clothes that I looked like Michelin and I experienced for the first time in my life the cold of -20º Celsius.
My LCC, Liane, was always supportive and she gave me some tips to help me plan my trip. I did a lot of research and I finally decided that I would go to Alaska to celebrate my 21st birthday. My host mum moved a lot of things around so that I could go on the dates that I wanted to, while the triplets I took care of we as excited as I was when I told them about my plans. The difficult part was affording it because I had to live off 20 bucks a week for three months to be able to afford it. If you have lived in the US, you'll know that 20 dollars isn't anything. However, every time I found a new activity to do in Alaska, bought snow gear or whenever my Norweigan friend Silje gave me tips to not die of cold, I remembered that it was really worth it. I confirmed this when, after almost half a day of flights and layovers, I exited the Fairbanks airport at 1am covered in so many layers of clothes that I looked like Michelin and I experienced for the first time in my life the cold of -20º Celsius.
Yo siempre viajaba sola y me quedaba en hostales porque me daba más oportunidad de conocer a nuevas personas y moverme a mi propio paso. Así fue cómo terminé uniéndome a una expedición de "birdwatchers" con los locales y escuché sus historias de cómo en vez de tomar una combi o micro al centro del pueblo, bajan esquiando y a veces en el camino se encuentran a osos grizzlis y cómo salen a cazar y desollan a los animales en su patio, ¡a la vista de todos! Y es lo más normal. También aprendí que en ésa área hay gente que vive de la tierra. No trabajan ni compran muchas cosas. Construyen sus propias casas y viven de lo que cazan y encuentran en los bosques.
I always traveled on my own and stayed in hostels because it gave me more of an opportunity to meet new people and move at my own pace. That was how I ended up joining an expedition of "birdwatchers" with the locals and listened to their stories of how, instead of taking a bus or a taxi to the center of the town, they skied and, sometimes on their way there, came across grizzly bears and how they skinned them on their front yard, right in front of everyone! That is considered perfectly normal. I also learned that there were people in that area who lived off the land. They didn't work or bought a lot of things. They built their own houses and live off what they hunt and find in the forests.
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Nieve, montañas y pinos árticos. Snow, mountains & arctic pines. |
As I listened to those stories, I felt I had traveled back in time. I felt I was in a Gold Rush movie, in which people looked for gold in mines and fought against animals to survive the winter.
Otro aspecto impactante fue el paisaje: No. Había. Nada. Estaba Fairbanks, una ciudad muy pequeña, y cuando salí de la ciudad en un tour solamente vi nieve, montañas y pinos. Debes recordar que estaba en el interior de Alaska y el clima es tundra alpina y básicamente hay dos estaciones: invierno y verano. ¡Eso era algo definitivamente no encontraría en México!
Another aspect of that trip that had an impact on me was the landscape: there. Wasn't. Anything. Nothing. I was in Fairbanks, a very small city and when I left it on a tour, I only saw snow, mountains and pines. You must remember that I was in the interior of Alaska, the climate is alpine tundra and it basically has two seasons: winter and summer. That was definitely something I wouldn't find in Mexico!
Another aspect of that trip that had an impact on me was the landscape: there. Wasn't. Anything. Nothing. I was in Fairbanks, a very small city and when I left it on a tour, I only saw snow, mountains and pines. You must remember that I was in the interior of Alaska, the climate is alpine tundra and it basically has two seasons: winter and summer. That was definitely something I wouldn't find in Mexico!
El tour que mencioné era un "day trip" para cruzar el círculo ártico. El círculo ártico. Chécalo en un mapa para que veas hásta dónde me fui a meter.
The tour I mentioned was a day trip to cross the arctic circle. The arctic circle. Look it up in a map so that you get an idea of where I ended up.
The tour I mentioned was a day trip to cross the arctic circle. The arctic circle. Look it up in a map so that you get an idea of where I ended up.
Conducimos unas siete horas hasta llegar al círculo, que básicamente es una frontera que señala dónde comienza el círculo polar ártico en la tierra. La temperatura era de unos -30º Celsius y el viento estaba a unos 80 km/hr. Nos deslizamos en nieve ártica y la que caía en mi cara se derretía pero inmediatamente se congelaba y ¡terminé con hielo en mis pestañas! El momento en el que me paré a un lado del señalamiento fue… Mágico. Estaba, literalmente en la cima del mundo. Sentía que no había nada que no pudiera realizar.
We drove for about seven hours until we reached the circle, which is basically a line that mars where Earth's Arctic Circle begins. Temperature was about -30º Celsius and the gust of wind was about 80km/hr. We slid on arctic snow and the snow that fell on my face melted but it immediately froze and I ended up with ice on my eyelashes! The moment I stood next to the sign was... Magical. I was, quite literally, on the top of the world. I felt there wasn't anything I couldn't do.
Al otro día el Monte Redoubt hizo erupción. Todos los vuelos fueron cancelados y tuve que quedarme una noche extra. Esa noche fue en la que vi la aurora boreal.
Next day, Mount Redoubt erupted. All flights were cancelled and I had to stay an extra night. That was the night that I saw the northern lights.
Next day, Mount Redoubt erupted. All flights were cancelled and I had to stay an extra night. That was the night that I saw the northern lights.
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Temperatura: -30º Celsius. Velocidad del viento: 80km/h Temperature: -30º Celsius. Gust of Wind: 80km/h. |
El cielo estaba oscuro, eran como las 12am y una luz verde, que iba de horizonte a horizonte, alumbraba todo. Se movía como si fuera un listón debajo del agua. Mientras la veía, tomaba fotos y me preguntaba si moriría congelada, me di cuenta que logré mi objetivo. Me había propuesto ir Alaska y ver la aurora boreal y ahora estaba parada en la nieve con la aurora enfrente de mí.¿Y sabes qué fue lo mejor? La satisfacción de saber que todo lo había logrado yo sola. La independecia, tenacidad y determinación que adquirí durante mi primer año me llevó a ese momento, que ha sido el mejor de mi vida hasta ahora y sé que jamás lo olvidaré.
The sky was dark, it was about 12am and a green light that went from horizon to horizon, lit up everything. It moved like a ribbon underwater. As I stared at it, while taking photos and wondering whether I would freeze to death, I realized that I had accomplished my goals. I had set my mind to go to Alaska and see the northern lights and now, I was standing on snow facing the northern lights. You know what was the best thing? The satisfaction of realizing that I had done all of it on my own. The independence, tenacity and determination that I gained during my first year took me to that moment, which has been the best moment of my life so far and I know I will never forget it.
The sky was dark, it was about 12am and a green light that went from horizon to horizon, lit up everything. It moved like a ribbon underwater. As I stared at it, while taking photos and wondering whether I would freeze to death, I realized that I had accomplished my goals. I had set my mind to go to Alaska and see the northern lights and now, I was standing on snow facing the northern lights. You know what was the best thing? The satisfaction of realizing that I had done all of it on my own. The independence, tenacity and determination that I gained during my first year took me to that moment, which has been the best moment of my life so far and I know I will never forget it.
Wow, que increible!!! y sobre todo la independencia que te da saber que lo lograste sola!! FELICIDADES
ResponderBorrarHola otra vez Mariel =)
ResponderBorrarSí, ese viaje fue increíble y la experiencia en general me cambió la vida. Aunque estés solamente un año, cuando regreses te vas a dar cuenta de que eres una persona completamente distinta... ¡Y todos los cambios son para bien!
Wow!!! Gracias por compartir esta experiencia, sin duda la clave para sentirte
ResponderBorrarRealizada es alcanzar metas y el primer paso para establecer
Nuestras metas, es sonar !! Si no sonamos , hacia donde iremos???
No es la misma satisfaccion, por eso te felicito!!! Porque sonaste y fuiste guerrera a cumplir tu proposito!!! Y SOLA eso no es nada facil!!!
Estoy de acuerdo, ser au pair y sumergirte en otra cultura!! Te cambia definitivamente !!
A quien le toca, le toca... Encontrar host families a veces es dificil.. pero si es para ti esta experiencia ni aunque te quites y si no te toca, aunque te Pongas!! Esto es un cambio radical!!! Al menos asi lo estoy viviendo yo!!!
Completamente de acuerdo contigo *SAMA*!!!
ResponderBorrarEl simple hecho de atreverse a dejar nuestra vida atrás y empezar una nueva en otro país es todo un logro!
Lloré! Yo sueño con ver la aurora boreal :D
ResponderBorrar@Barbara: Yo hubiera llorado si no hubiera sabido aue mis làgrimas se congelarìan! Espero que tengas la oportunidad de verlo. A ahorrar y trabajar!
ResponderBorrarMe muero!!!! que hermosoo!!! ojala cuando vaya a USA pueda ir a Alaska a ver la Aurora Boreal!!! es una de las cosas que más me gustaria ver!!! Saludoos!
ResponderBorrarPlanea el viaje, ahorra y verás que sí puedes!